Dai-Shogun - Great Revolution Original Soundtrack (風雲維新ダイ☆ショーグン オリジナルサウンドトラック) is a soundtrack album containing the music of Dai-Shogun - Great Revolution.
Track listing[]
- Secret Talk (密談)
- TAMASHĪ RISES (TV-size) (タマシイRISES(TV-size))
- Suspicious Event (不審な出来事)
- Piloting Onigami Susano'o (操縦せよ 鬼神・スサノオ)
- Man's Nature (男の性(さが))
- Tension (緊迫)
- Transform! Susano'o (変形!スサノオ)
- Unsatisfied Heart (満たされぬ心)
- Days of Delusion (妄想の日々)
- Daily Life at the Bathhouse (湯屋の日常)
- Embarassed Virgin (恥らう生娘)
- Premonition of Love (恋の予感)
- Severe Punishment (手痛い仕置き)
- Hyakusuke's Theme (百助のテーマ)
- Suspiciously Sneaking Shadow (忍び寄る妖しい影)
- Kiriko's Battle (霧子の戦い)
- All is Well (平穏無事)
- Tamashii Rises (Acoustic Arrangement Version) (タマシイRISES(Acoustic Arrangement Version))
- Fox Spirit Chiharu (妖狐のちはる)
- Duel (決闘)
- Signboard Girl (看板娘)
- Discord (葛藤)
- Sensational Red-Light District (扇情の花街)
- Maiden Heart (乙女心)
- Outbreak of Trouble! (事件発生!)
- Feelings Towards Mother (母への想い)
- Hidden Power of Onigami (秘められし鬼神の力 )
- Close Call (危機一髪)
- Case Closed (一件落着)
- Father's Enemy (父の仇)
- Susano'o Rampage (スサノオ暴走)
- Enter Shinsengumi (新撰組登場)
- Impatience (焦り)
- Bathhouse Business (湯屋仕事)
- Light Reflected on Water (水面に映る灯)
- Predicament (窮地)
- Chivalry (男気)
- Enter the Mastermind (黒幕登場)
- Tokugawa Blood (徳川の血)
- Grand Decisive Battle (大決戦)
- Become the Best on Earth (天下一を目指して)
- Upon a Star (TV-size) (UPON A STAR(TV-size))
- Bridge Collection (ブリッジ集)
- Eyecatch Collection (アイキャッチ集)
- Track 1: Lyrics by Shogo Yasukawa, composed by Keiichi Okabe, arranged by Kakeru Ishihama, performed by Kyoco
- Track 42: lyrics and composed by Tak. OHARA, arranged by Daisuke Mizuno, performed by Saeko Zougou
- Track 18: Composed by Keiichi Okabe, arranged by Rio Hamamoto
- Composed and arranged by:
- Yoshinori Kawamoto (1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 15, 19, 22, 24, 28, 30, 36 and 41)
- Rio Hamamoto (5, 9, 10, 14, 25, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38, 40, 43 and 44)
- Hiroshi Okubo (7 and 20)
- Kanako Kakino (12 and 26)
- Jesahm (13, 16, 17, 21, 23, 29, 31, 34, 35, 43 and 44)
- Keiki Kobayashi (39)