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Dai-Shogun - Great Revolution Original Soundtrack (風雲維新ダイ☆ショーグン オリジナルサウンドトラック) is a soundtrack album containing the music of Dai-Shogun - Great Revolution.

Track listing[]

  1. Secret Talk (密談)
  2. TAMASHĪ RISES (TV-size) (タマシイRISES(TV-size))
  3. Suspicious Event (不審な出来事)
  4. Piloting Onigami Susano'o (操縦せよ 鬼神・スサノオ)
  5. Man's Nature (男の性(さが))
  6. Tension (緊迫)
  7. Transform! Susano'o (変形!スサノオ)
  8. Unsatisfied Heart (満たされぬ心)
  9. Days of Delusion (妄想の日々)
  10. Daily Life at the Bathhouse (湯屋の日常)
  11. Embarassed Virgin (恥らう生娘)
  12. Premonition of Love (恋の予感)
  13. Severe Punishment (手痛い仕置き)
  14. Hyakusuke's Theme (百助のテーマ)
  15. Suspiciously Sneaking Shadow (忍び寄る妖しい影)
  16. Kiriko's Battle (霧子の戦い)
  17. All is Well (平穏無事)
  18. Tamashii Rises (Acoustic Arrangement Version) (タマシイRISES(Acoustic Arrangement Version))
  19. Fox Spirit Chiharu (妖狐のちはる)
  20. Duel (決闘)
  21. Signboard Girl (看板娘)
  22. Discord (葛藤)
  23. Sensational Red-Light District (扇情の花街)
  24. Maiden Heart (乙女心)
  25. Outbreak of Trouble! (事件発生!)
  26. Feelings Towards Mother (母への想い)
  27. Hidden Power of Onigami (秘められし鬼神の力 )
  28. Close Call (危機一髪)
  29. Case Closed (一件落着)
  30. Father's Enemy (父の仇)
  31. Susano'o Rampage (スサノオ暴走)
  32. Enter Shinsengumi (新撰組登場)
  33. Impatience (焦り)
  34. Bathhouse Business (湯屋仕事)
  35. Light Reflected on Water (水面に映る灯)
  36. Predicament (窮地)
  37. Chivalry (男気)
  38. Enter the Mastermind (黒幕登場)
  39. Tokugawa Blood (徳川の血)
  40. Grand Decisive Battle (大決戦)
  41. Become the Best on Earth (天下一を目指して)
  42. Upon a Star (TV-size) (UPON A STAR(TV-size))
  43. Bridge Collection (ブリッジ集)
  44. Eyecatch Collection (アイキャッチ集)


  • Track 1: Lyrics by Shogo Yasukawa, composed by Keiichi Okabe, arranged by Kakeru Ishihama, performed by Kyoco
  • Track 42: lyrics and composed by Tak. OHARA, arranged by Daisuke Mizuno, performed by Saeko Zougou
  • Track 18: Composed by Keiichi Okabe, arranged by Rio Hamamoto
  • Composed and arranged by:
    • Yoshinori Kawamoto (1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 15, 19, 22, 24, 28, 30, 36 and 41)
    • Rio Hamamoto (5, 9, 10, 14, 25, 27, 32, 33, 37, 38, 40, 43 and 44)
    • Hiroshi Okubo (7 and 20)
    • Kanako Kakino (12 and 26)
    • Jesahm (13, 16, 17, 21, 23, 29, 31, 34, 35, 43 and 44)
    • Keiki Kobayashi (39)

External links[]